
Every 2 years, we choose an exciting new campaign at Althing.

Campaigns are arguably the most important Thing we do, allowing us to try and improve the world we live in. It forms a major part of how DFs communicate with the public.

As a politically aware, vibrant and active youth movement, it’s clear we have a responsibility to get involved in society. It’s clear from the sheer enthusiasm of our members that we have a formidable platform for campaigning. We have the power to change the world! Get involved.

Name to be decided (2018-2020)

At Althing 2018, we decided to spend the next 2 years campaigning on trade unions and workers’ rights. A name will be chosen once the Campaigns Rep is elected.

No Borders (2016-18)

We campaigned for the eradication of national borders and the better treatment of refugees who have suffered immensely.

Sea Monsters for Climate Change (2014-16)

We campaigned as Sea Monsters for the continuation of sea level rises, so we could claim all of Earth as our home and eradicate those pesky humans.