Get Involved

Local Groups

Local groups quite often call upon DFs to help out with the younger age groups. Check out our page on Volunteering for more information.


We always need people to join events teams. Hit up to find out what events are coming up and how you can help out.

For every event we run (we run three a year), we need preferably multiple of the following

  • KP (Keeper of the Provender (kitchen person))
  • KE (Keeper of the Equipment/ Environment)
  • Programme (does what it says on the tin)
  • Admin (does the administration for the event)

All roles are fully supported by the Events Rep and they can all be taken on as a pair/ small group.

DF Committee

DF Committee runs elections once a year (at Althing) to fill its roles. Althing happens in late summer/ early autumn. Check out our social media pages for more information about Althing and running for Committee.

There are lots of roles on Committee, and hopefully something to suit everyone! We are always keen on hearing your ideas for roles, drop the current committee an email to to chat!