Book now for DF Camp 2024!

Bookings have now opened for DF Camp 2024! As a reminder it’s happening between August 4th- 11th near Chelmsford, Essex!

The programme team have been in touch with an incredible list of things that will be happening on the event.

(Please note, this list is incredible because of it’s content, but also because it exists more than a week before the event begins)

(I am allowed to say this because no one reads the website)

Things DF Camp 2024 Will Involve – As Written By The Team:

  • Camp Friend
  • Making a DF Film
  • The most DFs we’ve had in like three years
  • Workshops + Centres
  • Pea Fair
  • DF Cinema
  • “Probably something to do with the olympics tbh”
  • Merry Moot
  • +More!

You heard it here first. If this list makes you want to book right now (as I’m sure it does), get clicking the button below.

We can’t wait to see you there,

-DF Communications Team

One Comment

  1. MAN I can’t wait for Pea Fair. I love Pea Fair. I think Pea Fair will be really cool.

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