Vacant Roles, Including Shadow Treasurer

Do you want DFs to run an event based on the Bake Off? Want to get a group of London DFs together to plan how to oppose the arms trade? Maybe you want to work with Venturers and see how we can collaborate to help run a Venturer camp 2021 that is remembered for years to come? What about planning trainings across the country to help DFs become qualified in first aid, legal observation or effective forms of protest? We have some opportunities for you!

If you want to nominate yourself for one of the following roles please fill in the form below or email with your hustings. Deadline is Fri 6th March 2020. If no one stands we will reopen nominations.

  • Shadow Treasurer
  • Shadow Events
  • Training
  • London Liaison
  • Venturer Liaison

Having a role within the movement is a opportunity to gain experience and skills in everything from logistics to financial record keeping, as well as putting you in a great position to see your ideas and dreams of what the DF Movement could do be put into action!

If you apply, Committee will vote on who should fill the role (there are unlikely to be many other applicants) and you may be “co-opted” into the role just after the 6th March.

If you don’t want the responsibility of a role, you can still attend Things and do many of the things listed above. The DF movement is made up of all DFs and it’s up to us to provide ideas for what we do, now and in the future. See Shape the Movement.

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