Does youth empowerment give you superpowers?

At Althing 2019, the Motion for an online Thing was passed; it was decided that this would be in June 2020. This brings into question whether the DFs at that Althing were subconsciously aware that by June 2020 the worldwide situation would be so drastically different that moving the Thing online would have been essential anyway.

If about 20 DFs coming together to discuss the future of a radical movement – Woodcraft Folk DFs – can gain impossible foresight, what could you achieve from coming to DFs first ever Online Thing? We’ll have to be careful not to teleport when talking about the power of DFs Activism, and definitely can’t be flexing newfound invisibility when planning to restructure how DFs is run.

If you want to discover the effects of youth empowerment, let us know when you can attend an online day of workshops, discussion and planning in this form below

Or follow this link if you can’t view the form here.

We’ll be keeping you updated when a date is decided about more information and plans. See you all – virtually – there!

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