Introducing… DF Committee 22/23

Say hello to your new DF Committee for the year of 2022/2023.

Elections for the new DF Committee were held at Althing (held in Borth).

Committee Roles

Activism: Paul
Chair Of Committee: Delilah
Communications Rep: Tyler & Tallulah
Events Rep: Erik & Ray
Fundraising Rep: Ethan
Laymember: Isla
MEST-UP Coordinator: Sam
Secretary: Sam M
Shadow Treasurer: Emma B-V
Training Rep: Carmen
Treasuer: Joe W

Non-Committee Roles

Zine Coordinator: Iz
First Aid Fairy: Emma D
Venturer Committee & Venturer camp Liaison: Carmen
General Council Rep: Ray
London Liaison: Carmen & Eedie
Sustainability Rep: Sam S
Big Camps Rep: Jo M
Welsh Liaison: Ethan
Manchester Liaison: Tyler

Supervisory Roles

Accessibility Rep: Esme & Emma D

Congratulations to all those who have been elected. Check your inboxes for an email from the secretary with information on how to book for Old/New in the coming days.

Well done to all those who ran for a role. There are a number of other roles which we will be Co-opting after Old/New. Keep an eye on the website and on DF Social media platforms for more information on this.

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