Spring Thing and Spring Awakening

Missing DFs? Want to play cards, nap in the day and dance all night again? The booking forms for Spring Thing and Spring awakening are now open!

Spring Thing

When: 18th to the 19th of February

Where: Manchester

What: A thing is a DF Business meeting where we discuss how our organisation is run and make changes to our policies if need be. In the day we have discussions and in the evening we hang out.

Kit List:

  • Sleeping Bag, Pillow and Sleeping Matt
  • £10 to pay for the event or free if its your first one
  • Change of clothes
  • Ideas about how you think DFs should be run

Spring Awakening

When: 2nd to the 6th of April

Where: Bathgate, Scotland

What: The first social event of the year, Spring Awakening is five days of fun. It is part camping, part dorms. This event is also when we try to organise Training in first aid and MEST-UP.

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