Are you passionate about cooperative values? Do you use cooperation in your everyday life? Have you used cooperative values such as democracy, equality, equity and ethical values to plan and deliver social action?
Woodcraft Folk are looking to build a team of enthusiastic peer facilitators (age 18+) who will deliver workshops to young people across the UK emphasising and raising awareness about the importance of cooperation. They will be delivering 14 sessions over 2024-2025 to groups of young people across England as part of the Peer Action Collective.
Groups of changemakers will be made up of young people from a range of different organisations across the country and will be groups who are looking to make change in their local areas including eradicating youth violence, supporting school refusers, mental health and stopping discrimination in their areas
Woodcraft Folk would like to find a group of peer facilitators who will be paid to deliver workshops to young people that focus on cooperative values and approaches to social action.
Peer Facilitator Training will take place at Cudham Environmental Activity Centre between the 2nd-4th February.
If you are interested in this opportunity please get in touch with or fill in the expression of interest form and find out more on the website at the button below!