Winter Wonderland

Hi all, Summer coming to its end might be a sad time of year, but it’s great news for DFs as it means Winter Wonderland is fast approaching! This year’s one will be hosted near Horsforth, just north of Leeds, and will be packed with fun workshops and lovely DFs. Sounds like your cup of …

Althing 2018!

Hello Comrades! If you’d like to book for Althing, or submit a Motion, Musing, or Nomination, go to the Althing page on Span That World to find out more, and email with any questions. Blue Skies xx


Hi everyone, The DF Camp page has been updated to include more information about the camp. Here’s a link to the page: DF Camp Information If the link above doesn’t work, copy paste “” into your search bar, or click “Events” then “Event Calendar” on the navigation bar above, then click on “DF Camp.” Blue …

Winter Wonderland 2018 Roles

EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: We need a team for Winter Wonderland!!! What is Winter Wonderland? Winter Wonderland is the last event of 2018, held between the 27th and 30th of December, and is a three night indoor stay. There will be workshops, there will be fun to be had! This year, we are looking for a team …

Know your Rights!

The amazing Green & Black cross have produced a new booklet regarding legal rights at protests and similar events. Take a look at their tweet to see where you can get one for yourself, and perhaps we’ll get a bunch for DFs. Tweet


✨✨✨✨✨Zine!………and STICKERS✨✨✨✨ One Zine is on it’s way to your door shortly so it is time for another this time it is the call of the No Theme Zine. submission deadline 14th of april That’s it no theme it can be ANYTHING your favorite DFs recipe from an event, a poem, a doodle, something you …

Winter Wonderland is in 15 days!!!

Winter Wonderland IS IN 15 DAYS!!!!  ? If you have not yet booked, please do so ASAP. For more info go to or on where there has been quite a few posts about it. Booking for north: Booking for south: ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ The following is just about north, so if you’re going to south feel free to ignore …

SpanThatWorld is back!

SpanThatWorld is back! After a healthy hibernation period it has awoken to spread news, ideas and all-things DF across cyberspace. The website is still undergoing construction in some areas but otherwise feel free to have a look around and spread the word. Committee Members have had accounts created for them, using their @spanthatworld Email addresses, …

IC2020 News!

The 2020 International Camp organising Committee met at the Darsham Country Centre last Weekend, making important decisions including the yet to be revealed name. A wonderful video made by Klaus Schongruber explains everything…

Althing 2017 Democracy Roundup

Althing 2017 This year, and for the first time ever, Althing took place directly after DF Camp. Motions were passed, an amazing new Committee was elected (more on this soon) and we finished (more or less) on time, making the event a rousing success. The biggest decisions were: Accessibility becoming a Supervisory, non-committee role; Changing the way …