Introducing Winter Wonderland 2023

After an incredible weekend launching the new era of DFs at Autumn Nocturne, we are thrilled to announce our next event: Winter Wonderland 2023! Taking place in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset between December 27th- 30th, this year’s theme is UPRISING. But uprising against what you ask? Surely your political standings as a youth movement in the present …

Autumn Nocturne bookings are FULL!

In less than a week from opening the booking system, we have officially sold out Autumn Nocturne! From the entire Autumn Nocturne team, we are absolutely thrilled that you all share our enthusiasm for this new event. We can’t wait to officially launch the new era of DFs with you! For those who have booked: …

A group of young people sitting on a sofa in a marquee

Winter Thing

Missed Winter Thing? Read the minutes below to find out what we discussed What, When and Where? Discussion Topics

Sunset over campsite in Wales

Introducing… DF Committee 22/23

Say hello to your new DF Committee for the year of 2022/2023. Elections for the new DF Committee were held at Althing (held in Borth). Committee Roles Activism: PaulChair Of Committee: DelilahCommunications Rep: Tyler & TallulahEvents Rep: Erik & RayFundraising Rep: EthanLaymember: IslaMEST-UP Coordinator: SamSecretary: Sam MShadow Treasurer: Emma B-VTraining Rep: CarmenTreasuer: Joe W Non-Committee …

Announcing: ALTHING 2022!

It’s that time of year again, the time when we begin to think about Althing (and everything which comes with it). Althing this year will be combined with DF Camp (18th – 25th August 2022), with Althing happening on the 23rd and 24th August 2022! The site we have chosen is near Borth (in Wales). …

Does youth empowerment give you superpowers?

At Althing 2019, the Motion for an online Thing was passed; it was decided that this would be in June 2020. This brings into question whether the DFs at that Althing were subconsciously aware that by June 2020 the worldwide situation would be so drastically different that moving the Thing online would have been essential …